
“As the world strives for faster, cheaper, and more efficient, we're looking for ways that the imbalance of production, consumption, and disposal can benefit the ecosystem.”

Head of Gaudi
Himchan Roh

What Laos and Gaudi are doing together

Laos and South Korea work together to create a better future for the planet through the GAUDI project. Southeast Asia's fashion market accounts for 15% of the global total and has helped many fashion brands grow, but large amounts of unused fabrics and materials remain as waste, causing environmental problems. To address this problem, the GAUDI project focuses on building a sustainable industry through recycling. Laos is a leader in the initiative and plans to set an example to the world by building large-scale recycling centers. The project aims to generate $352.2 billion in annual value by recycling textile waste, control $43.7 billion in the Southeast Asian market, create 10,000 youth jobs and reduce air pollution. Along with government support, sufficient waste collection, energy and labor costs remain affordable. This project offers new opportunities for a sustainable future, which Laos and Korea can realize together.